Local food banks impacted by rising food costs

"We used to get as much as a trunk full of groceries from people who come routinely, but we don't see that as often," Executive Director Jake Ferro said.
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MACON, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – Local food banks are feeling the impact amid the rising cost of groceries.

A recent USDA Food Price Outlook predicts overall food prices will increase by 5.8%. According to the President and CEO of the Middle Georgia Community Bank, this number has impacted those who visit the food bank.

“It puts pressure on the food banks and all of our partner agencies to provide food to our neighbors who really need it,” Food Bank President and CEO Kathy McCollum said.

One of those partner agencies is Loaves and Fishes Ministry in Macon, which as seen a decrease in food donated on a regular basis.

“We used to get as much as a trunk full of groceries from people who come routinely, but we don’t see that as often,” Executive Director Jake Ferro said.

Despite the rising costs, Ferro says he will not let that hold him back from continuing to provide nutritious food to those who come to the ministry for food. Ferro says the ministry plans to service 2,500 households this year — a rise from the 1,750 served last year.

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