41NBC News | WMGT-DTGCSU Financial Literacy Club teaching students how to manage money https://www.41nbc.com Middle Georgia news, weather, sports, and everything you need to know in between! Sat, 19 Aug 2023 02:10:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wpcdn.us-east-1.vip.tn-cloud.net/www.41nbc.com/content/uploads/2021/01/cropped-touch-icon-32x32.png GCSU Financial Literacy Club teaching students how to manage money https://www.41nbc.com/gcsu-financial-literacy-club-teaching-students-how-to-manage-money/ 32 32 GCSU Financial Literacy Club teaching students how to manage money https://www.41nbc.com/gcsu-financial-literacy-club-teaching-students-how-to-manage-money/ Sat, 19 Aug 2023 02:10:10 +0000 https://www.41nbc.com/?p=1033962

MILLEDGEVILLE, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – Georgia College and State University wants to teach students financial literacy.

For many, college is the first time students have to manage money. Without guidance budgeting, it can be difficult.

With the new semester underway, GCSU offers a Financial Literacy Club to help students manage their money.

Professor Brent Evans teaches financial literacy at GCSU. He says choosing to go to college can be one of the most financially important decisions you can make, and its important to teach students to manage their money.

“What I think students here problem need to do a better job of is getting adequately and financially literate,” says Evans. “So that they make personal financial decisions on their own that will be in their best interest.”

You can sign up for the economics and investments club by contacting Professor Conaway at brook.conaway@gcsu.edu.

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