Former WNBA surprises grandmother, special needs group with tickets

An 89-year-old grandmother celebrating her birthday at an Olive Garden in Middle Georgia received a surprise gift from former WNBA star Linda Burgess: free tickets to a basketball game for her and her entire family.
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MACON, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – An 89-year-old grandmother celebrating her birthday at an Olive Garden in Middle Georgia received a surprise gift from former WNBA star Linda Burgess: free tickets to a basketball game for her and her entire family.

Burgess, who was also celebrating her birthday at the restaurant, gifted the tickets to both the family of six and a special needs group for the upcoming game between her former team, the Los Angeles Sparks, and the Atlanta Dream on Friday.

“I don’t look for a reward,” Burgess said. “I don’t look for anything in return. I do it from the heart, and I do it because I’m passionate about helping others.

Burgess currently serves as the Director of Athletics for Twiggs County High School.

When asked about her allegiance for the upcoming game, Burgess was clear.

“I’ve got to root for my former team, the Los Angeles Sparks,” she said.

Categories: Bibb County, Featured, Local News, Twiggs County