State Senator David E. Lucas Sr. honored with street dedication

New street signs went up Thursday along Jeffersonville Road in Macon in honor of state Senator David E. Lucas, Sr.
Senator David E Lucas Sr Way

MACON, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – New street signs went up Thursday along Jeffersonville Road in Macon in honor of state Senator David E. Lucas, Sr.

A portion of the road was named David. E. Lucas, Sr. Way to commemorate his service representing Middle Georgia in the state Senate.

The signs were installed on what Senator Lucas called the “forgotten road,” and in what he said was an underserved part of Macon.

He says development in the area has been in the works for 30 years and he hopes to see it completed.

“It’s been a long time coming, but finally,” Senator Lucas said. “I talked about the other part. The money ran out again, but they need to go ahead and finish it, because it was supposed to go all the way through to Highway 80 and Emery Highway.”

Senator Lucas explained that improving the roadway would promote transportation in the area and benefit residents in the community.

The new street signs can be found on Jeffersonville Road at the Emery Highway and Highway 80 intersections.

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