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Troy Thompson has his fingers on the pulse when it comes to living a better life and creating the right one for yourself. As we all get back to work, national experts agree that people are making changes in their lives. They want to live better, eat better, feel better, and have a better family life.

Nutrition, medical issues, changing careers, family dynamics, continuing education, and money management are just a few of the topics Living Well With Troy will cover.

Living Well with Troy Thompson: Skincare

(41NBC/WMGT) -- Troy Thompson talks with with Dermatologist Dr. Pare to talk all about skin care on this edition of Living Well. Dr. Pare says it's never too early and it's never too late to start thinking about skincare.…

Living Well with Troy Thompson: Toned arms

(41NBC/WMGT) -- Fitness expert Deeric Williams talks on this week's edition of Living Well about ways to tone your arms. Williams says compound exercises are the best, which are when you use an exercise to work out more than…

Living Well with Troy Thompson: Wellness Centers

(41NBC/WMGT) -- Troy Thompson speaks with Chiropractor D. Craig Taylor CD. CCSP about Wellness Centers, the goals of which are to help patients achieve better overall health through services like physical therapy, nutrition, weight loss, massage therapy, and chiropractic…

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